A decade after DC’s New Communities Initiative put forth “Northwest One” as one of a handful of redevelopment sites, the Office of the Deputy Mayor of Planning and Economic Development (DMPED) has selected a development team for the parcel. The team of MRP Realty and CSGUrban has been chosen to redevelop the 3.5-acre site at North Capitol and K Street NW (map), which includes the former Temple Courts Apartment building.
As presented in April, the MRP and CSG Urban proposal would create a three-building development, designed by Marshall Moya Design, that would deliver 806 residential units in two phases. Over 500 of the units will be designated as affordable, many of which will be 3- and 4-bedroom units, one of the key reasons that DMPED went with this development team.

“The design incorporates elements from the neighborhood and includes large courtyards and interior spaces for residents and children,” a DMPED press release stated. “The new site will provide a gateway feature on North Capitol and K Streets and expanded sidewalks with retail to activate the perimeter and streetscape.”
DMPED received a total of nine responses to the RFP that was released last fall.
To view the full article visit: https://dc.urbanturf.com/articles/blog/mrp_realty_csg_urban_chosen_to_redevelop_dcs_northwest_one_parcel/13297